Conference Processing Fee
Registration Type | Registration Fee |
International Participant (with paper) | $400 (or its equivalence) per Paper + Registration |
International Participant (without paper) | $200 (or its equivalence) per Registration |
Local Participant (with paper) | $300 (or its equivalence) per Paper +
N40,000 per Registration |
Local Participant (without paper) | N40,000 per Registration |
Additional fee per paper | $300 (or its equivalence) per Paper |
Exhibitions for Corporate Bodies | $500 (or its equivalence) per Slot for Online & On-
site Adverts (Negotiable) |
Sponsorships | Contact our email at; & |
Payment Options
Bank transfer could be made into any of the following Bank Accounts:
Beneficiary Bank Name: Zenith Bank PLC
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Registration Desk
Name | Affiliation |
Titilope O. Ayinla | Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria |
Akuroma I. George | University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland |
Further inquiries can be directed to,